Turtle A

A mind-boggling novella that will make you question your purpose in the grand scheme of the Universe Boy meets girl.

Girl rips to shreds boy’s idea of the Universe.

Turtle A chews on Strawberry B, which causes a string to pull the platform up, releasing Coin C to…you know what? I don’t think I am going to tell you much more than that…

Here’s the thing though: one event leads to another until you have a chain of events completing a set goal; at least that’s how The Girl believes The Universe works. Following The Universe’s instructions to set in motion a series of events, The Girl believes that to be her purpose…until she finds Nico, who staunchly believes that The Universe’s grand cosmic plans are a load of horseshit.

Which one of them is right? The Girl, who has no identity or place in the world, or Nico, who has worked so hard on his sense of self that somewhere along the way he lost his purpose. How will these two come together to resolve the mysteries of The Universe?

When the Universe calls, will you answer?